Optimize your programming workflow with AI in VSCode

  • Customize each agent with instructions and temperature.
  • Edit or Retry messages to save time and avoid rework.
  • Reference any file in the conversation or in the agent instructions.
  • Upload multiple images at once to ask questions.
  • Ask questions, run commands, and get answers in the same chat.
Download - it's free
Screenshot of a chat interface with a dark theme, showing a conversation
between the user and a contact named Gitana. The user is prompted to write a
commit message, and Gitana lists the following commands to be executed: git diff,
git diff --staged, and git diff --cached. There is a "Confirm" button below the commands,
and at the bottom of the screen is an input field with the placeholder text "Ask me anything..."
and a send button. The interface includes icons for adding attachments, a settings
gear, and a dropdown menu labeled "Model gpt-4-turbo-preview.
Screenshot of a chat interface where a user has
requested the creation of a diagram using MermaidJS. Below the request,
there is an image of a finite state machine diagram with four
states labeled S0, S1, S2, and S3. The diagram shows transitions
between these states with conditions based on input (Din) and
output (Dout) values. The background is dark with white and
blue text, and the diagram is presented in a light-on-dark color scheme

Connect to ChatGPT using your OpenAI API key.

Your API Key is securely stored in your system keychain.

All data is only stored locally. Just keep in mind, it's also sent to OpenAI.

What you get

Create agent

Create AI Chat Agents

Create multiple AI chat agents, each with its system prompt


Use your personal OpenAI API key, securely stored in your system keychain.


All data is only stored locally. Just keep in mind, it's also sent to OpenAI API



Everything you need to supercharge your productivity.

$0/ month
What is included
  • Create unlimited AI chat agents
  • Edit unlimited messages
  • Access to all future updates
Get Started

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost?

You'll be happy to know Alan AI is completely free to use!

How can I use gpt-4?

Alan use all gpt models availables for your api key. If you don't have access to gpt-4 this might be useful for you. How can I access gpt-4?

What happens with your data?

Alan uses your own API key to connect to OpenAI so your prompt and content goes directly through the Open AI servers. The data is stored locally on your computer and is not sent to any other server.

Where can you get your API Key?

You need to create an account on OpenAI if you don't have one already. Then you can get your API key from the API Keys page.

Which IDEs are supported?

Alan is available only for Visual Studio Code.

Try Alan AI Chat Today

  • Customize each agent with instructions and temperature.
  • Edit or Retry messages to save time and avoid rework.
  • Reference any file in the conversation or in the agent instructions.
  • Upload multiple images at once to ask questions.
  • Ask questions, run commands, and get answers in the same chat.
Download - it's free